The Loftus Peak Global Change Model Portfolio (the Portfolio) is a Managed Discretionary Account (known as Separately Managed Account) designed for Wholesale or Sophisticated investors*.
The Portfolio is available on the Masons Stevens platform. All applications should be made directly with Mason Stevens using the relevant forms held on their website which you can access by clicking here.
While offered by way of a different legal structure, the Loftus Peak Global Change Portfolio is managed according to the same underlying investment objective and carries similar portfolio holdings to the Loftus Peak Global Disruption Active ETF. The main difference between the two products is that the Fund has greater capacity to actively hedge market and currency exposure. Also Portfolio account holders may carry different holding weights to Loftus Peaks' model as a result of rounding of share numbers, particularly for relatively small account sizes. This investment strategy is also available to retail investors. If you are a retail investor or adviser, please click here to see the Loftus Peak Global Disruption Active ETF, which carries a minimum initial investment of $5,000.
* a person qualifying as a sophisticated investor under section 708 (10) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Act).
Performance Summary as at 28 February 2025*
1m | 3m | 6m | 1y | 3y p.a. | 5y p.a. | 7y p.a. | Inception p.a. (30 June 2014) | |
Portfolio (net-of-fees) | -6.02% | +2.95% | +12.63% | +20.46% | +19.56% | +18.90% | +17.82% | +18.87% |
Index | +0.20% | +5.41% | +13.34% | +20.40% | +14.95% | +13.80% | +13.05% | +13.05% |
Outperformance (net-of-fees) | -6.22% | -2.45% | -0.71% | +0.06% | +4.60% | +5.10% | +4.77% | +5.81% |
*Manager estimated returns. The Portfolio Benchmark is the MSCI All Countries World Index (net) (as expressed in AUD from Bloomberg). Portfolio Inception date is 30/06/14. All returns are shown to two decimal places. Returns for the periods more than one year are annualised. Total returns include realised and unrealised gains. Valuations are computed and performance reported in Australian dollars. Net-of-fees performance returns are presented after management and performance fees. Returns are based on the theoretical performance of a portfolio which implemented the Model Portfolio based on simplifying assumptions and stock weightings. Actual individual returns of each client’s portfolio will differ depending on factors such as date of initial investment, timing of transactions, contributions and withdrawals, fees and any customisations. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and may not be achieved in the future. Each client should also take into account their own taxation situations. All information provided in this Report is correct as at the date of this Report.